How Much Does Basement Underpinning Cost in Toronto

What is Basement Underpinning?

Basement underpinning is a process of lowering basement floor. This process involves extending the depth of the foundation deeper into the ground. Once the foundation is lowered, the basement floor will be lowered as well. The outcome of basement underpinning is a lower basement floor, stronger foundation & more headroom in your basement.

There is a number of alternatives to basement underpinning that can potentially cost less – bench footing, crawlspace transformation.

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How much does basement underpinning cost in Toronto? – winning answer

According to Aquamaster Basement Waterproofing, the cost of basement underpinning in Toronto fluctuates between $80-$350+ per square foot.

Per Square Foot Cost: $80-$350 per square foot

Total Basement Underpinning Cost in Toronto: $50,000+

Factors that impact the cost of basement underpinning

  • Basement Underpinning company – quality companies typically charge more

  • Type of Soil – for example concrete floor will be harder to excavate & remove compared to regular soil.

  • Accessibility – if your basement is easier to access, the work will be done faster, as a result the cost will likely decrease.

  • Dimensions – basement underpinning will be more expensive if your basement is larger or if you need to excavate deeper into ground due to the cost of labour & materials.

  • Location – projects that are closer to the city require less travel time, in some cases this might impact the price as well.

Basement underpinning in progress – new footing pouring.

What is included in Basement Underpinning Toronto?

To better understand the cost of basement underpinning let’s first understand what is included in basement underpinning. While every basement floor lowering service may have a different scope, here is an example of an average project.

An average basement underpinning project includes the following stages:

Basement Underpinning Stages

​Average Cost


  • Soil Samples

  • Planning

  • Project Drawings



(reputable basement udnerpinning companies may include this in the total price)

Basement Underpinning Project

  • Site Preparation

  • Wall Underpinning & Concrete Pouring

  • Floor Demolition

  • Crack repairs

  • Remediation

  • Plumbing, weeping tile installations (optional)

  • Basement waterproofing (optional)

  • Basement finishing (optional)


Basement Underpinning Cost Toronto

Based on the information available on the websites of basement underpinning providers in Toronto, we’ve created a list of just how much basement Underpinning can cost you in Toronto.




$85-$350 per square foot, $35,000-$50,000


$350-$450, $15,000-$50,000

Catalyst Real Estate


Moose Basements


Severn Woods


Cheaper Alternatives to Basement Underpinning

There are two alternatives to basement underpinning.

  • Bench Footing – a cheaper alternative to basement underpinning that does not require digging under the footing. Instead, the footing is built besides it. As a result, the footing is extended inside the basement. While this approach to basement floor lowering is cheaper and in some cases will be easier to gather approvals for, it also takes away some of the space inside the basement.

  • Crawlspace Transformations – a basement floor lowering technique that applies to crawlspaces. The so-called crawlspace conversions make it possible transforming crawlspaces into real basements with a proper ceiling height. This process requires extending the foundation deeper into the ground.

According to the basement underpinning guide by Aquamaster Waterproofing, basement floor lowering cost can be as follows.

Services Related to Underpinning


Converting Crawlspace into Basement


Crawlspace Excavation


Plumbing & Weeping Tile Installation


Foundation Pouring

$20,000 to $40,000


$15,000 to $40,000

Check our complete guide to basement underpinning for more information on:


Article written by Aquamaster Basement Waterproofing & Underpinning specialists working in the industry since 2009. We can help with top-quality basement underpinning Toronto, basement waterproofing, foundation repairs & more. Book a free estimate today!

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